克利夫兰诊所(Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH )

费城儿童医院(The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA)

Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio is ranked No. 2 on the Best Hospitals Honor Roll. It is nationally ranked in 14 adult and 10 pediatric specialties and rated high performing in 1 adult specialty and 9 procedures and conditions. It is a general medical and surgical facility. It scored high in patient safety, demonstrating commitment to reducing accidents and medical mistakes. It is a teaching hospital. The Cleveland Clinic, founded in 1921, has a 44-building main campus, which includes the Taussig Cancer Institute, Global Cardiovascular Innovation Center, Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic Children’s and Pediatric Institute, and Centers for Geriatric and Diabetes Care. The Cleveland Clinic Health System includes 11 hospitals and 18 full-service health centers. The Cleveland Clinic is organized by institutes – practice units that center on organ systems or diseases. It has served patients from all 50 states and 135 countries. It has 107 accredited residency training programs. Led by the Miller Family Heart & Vascular Institute, the Cleveland Clinic sees more heart patients than any other hospital in the country. The cancer care building opened in March 2017 and features a cancer resource center for patients and families, art and music therapy facilities and a boutique providing free wigs for those suffering hair loss from chemotherapy. The hospital’s Transplant Center performed almost 700 organ transplants in 2017, and its procedures include heart, lung, liver and pancreas. Cleveland Clinic also has a Concussion Center, where physicians, researchers and other staff from sports medicine and neurology combine to treat concussed patients. Among Cleveland Clinic’s innovations are developing coronary artery bypass surgery and performing the first minimally invasive aortic heart valve surgery, first successful larynx transplant and first kidney surgery through a patient’s navel.

位于俄亥俄州克利夫兰的克利夫兰诊所在最佳医院荣誉榜上排名第二。有14个成人专科与10个儿科专科上榜,其中1个成人专科和9个标准化治疗被评为高水平。其中心脏病专科与泌尿专科列2018年度全美第一!克利夫兰诊所是一家综合性的医疗中心。它在病人安全方面得分很高,表明了减少事故和医疗失误的决心。同时其还是一所教学医院。克利夫兰诊所始建于1921年,主校区拥有44栋建筑物,包括Taussig癌症研究所、全球心血管创新中心、Cole Eye研究所、克利夫兰诊所儿童与儿科研究所以及老年与糖尿病护理中心。克利夫兰诊所卫生系统包括11家医院和18个全服务卫生中心。克利夫兰诊所是由以器官系统或疾病为中心的实践单位组成的。它为所有50个州和135个国家的病人提供服务。它有107个认可的居留培训项目。在米勒家族心血管研究所的领导下,克利夫兰诊所看到的心脏病患者比全国其他任何医院都多。癌症护理大楼于2017年3月开放,设有癌症资源中心,为病人和家庭,艺术和音乐治疗设施和精品店为那些遭受脱发的化疗患者提供免费假发。该医院的移植中心在2017年进行了将近700个器官移植,其程序包括心脏、肺、肝脏和胰腺。克利夫兰诊所还有一个脑震荡中心,内科医生、研究人员以及运动医学和神经学的其他工作人员联合起来治疗脑震荡患者。克利夫兰诊所的创新之处在于发展冠状动脉搭桥手术,并实施第一例微创主动脉瓣手术、第一例成功的喉移植手术以及第一例通过患者肚脐进行的肾脏手术。
